Na cestách » Expedícia Nepál 2014 » Kala Patar Delivery

Kala Patar Delivery

08.03.2014 04:44:26

Toto je nas druhy den v Gorak Shep vo vyske nad 5 tisic metrov. Noc bola relativne v pohode, aklimatizaciu zda sa, sme zvladli dost dobre. Ja si celkom zvykam na plytky spanok, ktory nema daleko od bdeleho stavu. Staci to k nacerpaniu energie a dobrej nalady. V noci takmer netrpime mrazom vdaka novym spacakom, zatial obstali na vybornu.

Dnesny den berieme z lahka. Martin, chalan z nemecka, dnes vyrazil na Kala Patar za vcas rana. Ja nie som fanusik obdivovania vychodu slnka a preto sa dnes nikam nezenieme. Ved preco aj…

Andras, ten sa pridal ku nam na dnesny vystup a spolocne sme po ranajkach vyrazili v trojici pohodovym tempom. Po ceste sme stretli vytrapenych suputnikov, ktori vyrazili pred vychodom slnka. S niektorymi sme sa rovno rozlucili pretoze schadzaju nizsie a vydavaju sa na cestu spat. Ako napriklad japonsky chalanko z Tokia, na ktoreho este caka Annapurna base camp. Dnes na Kala Patar zaznamenal video s prianim pre svoju priatelku, ktora ma dnes narodeniny. Tiez sme dali po ceste na vrchol zbohom Martinovi z Nemecka, ktory tiez splnil svoj ciel a je uz tymto vlastne na ceste domov.

Kala Patar je dost strme kopcisko, navyse slapanie robi umornym samotna nadmorska vyska. Po asi dvojhodinovom vystupe sme konecne dosiahli vrchol a ocitli sa vo vyske 5550 metrov.

Toto miesto je pre nas symbolom, pretoze tu sme prave dosiahli najvyssi bod expedicie. Zaroven je odtialto super vyhlad na okolite kopce vratane Mt. Everestu.

Na tomto mieste sme zavesili budhisticke motlitebne vlajocky pre stastie. Medzi ne som upevnil aj ‚vlajku‘ stastia nasho IT Delivery timu snov ;-). Verim, ze nam ako timu prinesie stastie, lebo tim je zaklad uspechu a nie len pri zdolavani horskych vrcholov.

Navrchole sme chvilu pobudli, spravili par fotiek a uzili si krasne vyhlady. Nakoniec nas zima a mrazivy vietor zahnali na cestu spat do Ghorak Shep.

Navrt sme vsetci spolu oslavili vegetable noodle soupkou a malym Everest pivkom na slnecnej terase, huraaa :). Boli sme radi, ze aj Tento vystup mame uspesne za sebou.

Zvysok dna sme uz len oddychovali, spriadali plany na nadchadzajuce dni a snazili sa drzat v teple.

Andras zajtra vyraza na EBC oslavit narodky, pravdepodobne sam lebo v Ghorak Shep sme tuto noc zostali posledni traja bojovnici :). Vsetci ostatni sa vydali na zostup smerom spat dolu. My sa s Mikim neponahlame, kedze zajtra planujeme priblizenie k Cho La pass a caka nas lahsi presun do dedinky Dzoughla. A kedze pobyt v tejto vyske nam nerobi problemy, zostavame noc navyse, nech sme viac privyknuti. Cho La bude velka vyzva a kazda zlepsena schopnost bude isto na uzitok.

Vecer preberame vsetky obavy a nastrahy tohto horskeho prechodu. Mame pred nim velky respekt, pocitame aj s tym, ze mozno cezen neprelezieme. Z troch moznosti sme sa nakoniec dohodli na jednej: prideme do Dzoughli, overime podmienky schodnosti a podla toho sa bud vydame ho zdolat alebo nie.

A preco tolko obav? Lebo nemame istotu, ze v dedinke je otvorena Lodge. Jedni vravia, ze je to tam uzavrete a cez Cho La sa teraz neda ist. Ini tvrdia, ze jedna Lodge otvorena je. Domaci v nasom ubytku stretol pred viac ako tyzdnom skupinku troch, ktori cez Cho La presli, lenze medzitym dvakrat snezilo jak maria.

Nuz, ChoLa je vyzva tejto expedicie. Je to horsky prechod, ktory je dost triky lebo okrem jeho vysky a zimy zaludnost tkvie v brutalnom stupani na kratkej vzdialenosti a zaver pred vrcholom vedie cez strmy smyklavy ladovec.

Tolko teoria a nase obavy…tento oriesok budeme riesit zajtra, verime, ze Lodge bude otvorena, nech sa nemusime v ten isty den presuvat dalej. Ostatne budeme riesit ked budeme mat dostatok informacii priamo z miesta. Takze pekne step by step…

Cas ist spat po kartickach, vidime sa rano… :)

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26.07.2018 11:11:19   Re |>>

orts already have a ski school to the premises, and tuition are sensibly priced in team and individual lessons, however is not all. Some ski resorts accommodate more complex skiers, so try to guarantee the ski resort is a one required.It makes sense, however, to schedule an exercise appointment so that you can arrive at the resort.This will be sure that you can start finding out ski the primary hour of the vacation. As soon as the first tuition begin, most ski instructors begin by showing the fresh skier easy methods to maneuver around with their equipment.Anytime wearing snowboarding boots, their entire body position might be inclined somewhat forward – there's an easy reason for this.When a good skier is skiing lower a huge batch, they shall be inclined ahead.Walking for ski boots to begin with is rather difficult – but it works solely fine should learned to help you walk when using the knees just a little bent. orts already have a ski school to the premises, and tuition are sensibly priced in team and individual lessons, however is not all.

Some ski resorts accommodate more complex skiers, so try to guarantee the ski resort is a one required.It makes sense, however, to schedule an exercise appointment so that you can arrive at the resort.This will be sure that you can start finding out ski the primary hour of the vacation.

As soon as the first tuition begin, most ski instructors begin by showing the fresh skier easy methods to maneuver around with their equipment.Anytime wearing snowboarding boots, their entire body position might be inclined somewhat forward – there's an easy reason for this.When a good skier is skiing lower a huge batch, they shall be inclined ahead.Walking for ski boots to begin with is rather difficult – but it works solely fine should learned to help you walk when using the knees just a little bent.

Several maneuvers will probably need to be found out, with the earliest maneuver appearing called all the plow, or simply snow-plow.This may be a technique that is definitely done just by literally along with your skis as a snow plow.You make the spine of the actual skis over time move outwards, off from the body by employing pressure – and this will subsequently stop an individual.You instruction yourself regarding skies just by bending your own knees along with leaning of hospitality attire direction and / or another, depending what is the right way you ought to go.All these techniques is often learned of hospitality attire hour, even if you have never been recently on some of skis in their life.

The wonder of facts is that upon having learned easy methods to snow plow, and now have learned ways to guide over the skis, you are ready to ski! Jump on the boost, head in the mountain for your beginner's trail, and give it a go.Control a person's speed by snow plowing, while moving very slowly at the outset.When you should pick upward some rate, draw an individual's skis assistance programs were, in order to receive a a bit more speed, then push them back again out within the plow position to overpower that quickness.As a good beginner, it's best to stick into the trails that are designed for beginners.At the majority resorts, these tracks are marked by using a green symbol.

Purple trails happen to be for advanced beginner skiers, and after someday of mountain climbing the trainee trails, could very well be ready for any trails.Any black tracks are meant for experts.These trails are usually dangerous for folks who do n't have the skill level to take on them, so resist black trails soon you have had much ski teaching and go through.You could know if you find yourself ready, by how to feel as well as opinion within the instructors.


19.04.2018 07:33:02   Re |>>

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17.04.2018 10:44:53   Re |>>

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31.03.2014 09:53:44   Re |>>

[@Deus, 28.03.2014 19:48:23]
to mam brat ako pozvanie? :)


28.03.2014 19:48:23   Re |>>

Pfuuu asi si musím dať noodle soup, spraviť veggie MoMo alebo si sadnúť pred mrazák, nech sa mi myšlienky a pamäte v ryté pod kožu vynoria :).


26.03.2014 21:46:15   Re |>>

nooo, a co sa dialo pak? :)


12.03.2014 08:24:23   Re |>>

dal by som si veggie noodle soup a watermelon shake :) … a dalsi report, uz mi je kalaci trocha zima ;D


11.03.2014 21:52:55   Re |>>

heh mnooo by som aj pripojil, ale to nem take easy, kedze cele som to zbuchal cez mobilku :). Ale los fotos budu co nevidiet ;):


08.03.2014 12:27:05   Re |>>

delivery? hehe nice:-) scelo by to inak vzdy adpon 2–3 fotecky pripojit. hlavne ten vyhlad z kala patar by som si kukol..

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