Na cestách » Expedícia Nepál 2014 » The day before Everest base camp

The day before Everest base camp

28.02.2014 04:18:23

Rano sme sa zobudili do krasneho dna, modra obloba, slnko, krasny vyhlad dookola a samozrejme teplota hlboko pod bodom mrazu ;). 

Podla planu sme sa s Andrasom stretli pred osmou v jedacej miestnosti vyradosteni z pekneho pocasia. Shei zatial nebolo, ale od Denisa (jej guida) sme vedeli, ze rano sa jej nikdy nechce… No tentoraz prisiel smutny Denis za nami so zlou spravou ‚my customer doesn‘t feel good, headache, feel sick, altitude sicknes, we must go down'. Po chvili sa objavila aj Shei, vyzerala zle, vravela, ze hlavu ma jak melon a takto ju hlava este vzivote nebolela. Boli to fakt zle spravy, pretoze v tejto vyske sme vyse 36 hodin a mame za sebou druhu noc. Priznaky AMS prisli po dlhej dobe, hlavne este vecer bola Shei vysmiata a v poriadku. V takomto pripade naozaj nie je velmi na vyber a je nevyhnutne ist dolu do nizsej nadmorskej vysky. Zmysel cakat na zlepsenie ma po prvej noci, po takto dlhej dobe to moze viest k vaznejsim dosledkom. Sprievodca Denis ukazal svoje skusenosti, empatiu, ale aj rozhodnost. V takychto chvilach je naozaj tazke spravit rozhodnutie, prebrat zodpovednost a presvedcit svojho Turistu o tom, ze vzdat cestu hore je to najlepsie a jedine spravne co mozu spravit. O to tazsie to je, ked ciel je na dosah jedneho dna…

Bola to smutna chvila, vsetci sme si uvedomovali, ze sa to moze prihodit komukolvek z nas. Vyskova choroba si nevybera a zjavne prichadza absolutne kedykolvek. Nikto z nas by sa nechcel otocit a ist spat… So Shei sme sa vsetci rozlucili so slovami nadeje, ale aj ona sama vedela, ze je to koniec jej vystupu…

Pre nas sa vsak cesta nekonci a po rozlucke vyrazame s Mikim, Andrasom a Martinom raznym krokom zdolavat dalsie prevysenia.

Cesta nam ubiehala celkom fajn. Pocasie bolo super, z toho sme mali asi najvacsiu radost, hlavne po poslednych skaredych dnoch.

Po ceste uz bolo vysku naozaj citit, kroky boli stale narocnejsie, kysliku stale menej. Kazdy ukon bolo citit a vsetko viedlo k okamzitemu zadychniu. Cas zrazu zacal akoby plynut rychlejsie, ale vsetko preto lebo nase pohyby a rychlost sa spomalila asi o polovicu. Zacali sme zivot v slow motion mode :-).

Po dnesnej 5,5 hodinovej ture a prevyseni o dalsich 500 vyskovych metrov sme dorazili do Lobuche 4900 metrov.

Tu sme sa ubytovali v Lodge kde to nebolo uplne super, uroven trosku haproval za doterajsimi zvykmi :-P. Nuz, ale stretli sme tu zaujimavu postavicku. Chalanka z Tokia, s ktorym sme si zabavne pokecali o vsetkom moznom od jedla, sushi cez kulturu az po osobny zivot. Na tuto cestu ho poslala jeho sefka na jeho vlastne naklady. Prikazala mu aby siel sam, bez sprievodcu, nosicov a ked sa bude dat, aby stanoval vonku. Okrem toho stanovania, by to celkom slo. No chalan ked prvykrat zdvihol svoj ruksak, tak vedel, ze daleko nezajde a tak si ‚tajne‘ zobral nosica… :-) A preco toto cele? Lebo pracuje v Tokiu pre turisticku agenturu a jeho sefke zalezi, aby mal osobnu skusenost a vedel presne kam a do akych podmienok posielaju svojich zakaznikov. Nuz a jeho ‚biznis‘ trip na EBC nekonci, ale hned pokracuje na Annapurna base camp, az potom sa moze vratit…samozrejme vsetko musi stihnut podla itineraru s casovym planom, ktory v Tokiu zakaznikom ponukaju. Ak chce svoj job, tak musi prejst touto nelahkou skuskou.

V tejto vyske sme sa vsetci citili akosi high :-), karticky nas bavili stale viac, pretoze nelogickych tahov a omylov stale pribudalo…tieto pochybenia sme so smiechom oznacovali za altitude sicknes :-).

Izbietku sme dnes mali extra malu, na dlzku len tak tak, ze sa Miki zmestil od steny po stenu :-). No na druhej strane extremne vychladenu, takze sme sa nemohli stazovat :-).

Noc bola narocna, okrem zimy, bolesti hlavy, unava a malo kyslika robili zo spanku narocnu aktivitu. Z desiatich hodin v spacku boli spanku venovane mozno dve. Je dost narocne v takychto podmienkach cakat na rano a asi najhorsia je bezmocnost a vedomie, ze zajtra to nebude lepsie…

Rana sme sa dozili a silu nam dodavalo pekne pocasie a vidina ciela, dnes nas caka EBC.

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12.12.2018 10:25:18   Re |>>

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19.07.2018 17:50:24   Re |>>



19.07.2018 17:49:53   Re |>>

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07.07.2018 20:40:58   Re |>>

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07.07.2018 20:39:32   Re |>>


03.05.2018 23:30:35   Re |>>

Cygne continues over summer and winter, making your stock about game pike consistently higher.Kansas crappie fishing is definitely popular here with the large size for the fish that could be caught, regardless if there are areas by having a higher density. Most of the other considerable reservoirs a large number of renowned meant for crappie doing some fishing include Toronto, Melvern, together with Coffee Regional Lake, and even Council Grove Water tank, the last of which may sway Cygne continues over summer and winter, making your stock about game pike consistently higher.Kansas crappie fishing is definitely popular here with the large size for the fish that could be caught, regardless if there are areas by having a higher density.

Most of the other considerable reservoirs a large number of renowned meant for crappie doing some fishing include Toronto, Melvern, together with Coffee Regional Lake, and even Council Grove Water tank, the last of which may sway yield smaller sized fish but boasts a sheer solidity level worth checking out.You could perhaps benefit through visits for you to other massive impoundments such as Perry, Pomona, Lovewell, together with Kanopolis.In actual fact, several of these areas considered made for KS crappie fishing are already noted regularly for several years as among the best lakes regarding crappie in the Great Plains.Although Clinton along with Kirwin won't produce large quantities regarding crappie, they're just excellent locations to discover good size true lunker crappie.

What plenty of people don't understand is that among the best fishing in Kansas come in much less significant lakes plus reservoirs.In­cluding, Ottawa Status Fishing Plaza and Sedan City Pond, both pretty small, own yielded crappie balancing over 2 pounds, any Bourbon SFL, under 100 acres larger, has samplings weighing nearby the same.In actual fact, most for the small places contain great variety of white crappie.


03.05.2018 23:30:26   Re |>>

er, to fit throughout a door there is a loss of deep and all round size.Many portable spa tub spas contain a lockable cover and are generally well-insulated presenting relaxed take advantage of outside even while in the coldest many weeks. Always enliven thoughts of spa tub safety primary.As by using any item of equipment combining mineral water and source of electricity, there is often a probability of shock.Any energy connections want for it must be done using a qualified man or woman.Many neighborhoods mandate electric source be hooked-up er, to fit throughout a door there is a loss of deep and all round size.Many portable spa tub spas contain a lockable cover and are generally well-insulated presenting relaxed take advantage of outside even while in the coldest many weeks.

Always enliven thoughts of spa tub safety primary.As by using any item of equipment combining mineral water and source of electricity, there is often a probability of shock.Any energy connections want for it must be done using a qualified man or woman.Many neighborhoods mandate electric source be hooked-up only because of a licensed domestic electrician.

Aside from that, due to your heat in addition to depth of your water, youngsters have require to never be allowed close portable hottub spa without the presence of direct supervision connected with an adult.All the lockable covers, which comes equipped with almost everyone really should be in place you should definitely in employ.

Relating to customary, if for example the portable spa tub spa is normally fitted which includes a quality liquid filter product, the water probably should not are changed other than 3 to 5 times one year.Chemical testing equipment is relating to the average reliable and often will inform you if it is time to re-create as well as water and therefore the filters.

The sourcing cost of operating a depends largely about how frequently its used together with cost involving electricity while in the specific geographical area.Over, electrical costs would be between $15 and additionally $35 phone, depending for location.A portable spa tub spa applied indoors may perhaps cost not as much for once a month operation.


17.04.2018 10:44:53   Re |>>

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14.04.2018 14:17:37   Re |>>

time just like any well-planned in addition to expensive time frame.Use your current imagination not to mention creative skills to get together ideas meant for having loving outings in your partner by means of keeping in view your funding.There could be many things the pair of you can accomplish together that after combined could make any night out wonderful accompanied by a little to pay out from a person's wallet­.This content was written you can sell organic a few techniques to date over a budget. You dont ought to go pertaining to dinners through expensive cafes to wow your time frame.Planning your home dinner, just for the pair of you is every bit as romantic.You'll be able to give your current date some surprise candle-lit dinner and your place and allow it to be beautiful by means of candles, flowers and also other accessories you will have already ordered.You may also go out to a inexpensive time just like any well-planned in addition to expensive time frame.Use your current imagination not to mention creative skills to get together ideas meant for having loving outings in your partner by means of keeping in view your funding.There could be many things the pair of you can accomplish together that after combined could make any night out wonderful accompanied by a little to pay out from a person's wallet­.This content was written you can sell organic a few techniques to date over a budget.

You dont ought to go pertaining to dinners through expensive cafes to wow your time frame.Planning your home dinner, just for the pair of you is every bit as romantic.You'll be able to give your current date some surprise candle-lit dinner and your place and allow it to be beautiful by means of candles, flowers and also other accessories you will have already ordered.You may also go out to a inexpensive ls restaurant and enjoy a affectionate evening in concert.

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Gonna watch any movie can be another prospect of dating on the budget.You'll need to buy a pair of theatre tickets the other to eat usually in the show.Afterwards you could check out a local hangout for many coffee and ice cream correspond the whole entire night.

Another budget allowed dating idea should be to hit typically the mall together and discover the clearance great deals stores.Shopping will certainly refresh both of you and you will probably have that ball from the time.Plan the evening to shell out at your home by playing board games or simply watching television.You also can make various plans so that you can cook together in case you both like to try out a lot of unique recipes.

Still yet another idea would be to plan some sort of evening that will wrap Yuletide gifts in concert or another sort of items that should be home-made.Doing an issue creative jointly is the best way to enjoy in your date.You'll be able to combine your opinions to establish new things and share with your acquaintances some inventive gifts this coming year.This will even help to bring you several closer and feel safe collectively.

You see there is many economical dating creative ideas.If you're short in money this unique month, dont are worried about your going out with expenses whatsoever and method some definitely fun activity related to your partner which is totally easy for the pocket.


04.01.2018 12:46:35   Re |>>

xisting components.The qualities itemized in your offering ought to match what you see during the condo, and not limited the models of appliances as well as quality connected with any features that include flooring or surfaces. If the condo happens to be an older a particular, then learn the minutes of the condo relationship meetings to see mentions connected with repairs or service calls into the property.Repeated repairs are sometimes red a flag, or it may well simply tell us a sensitive and in charge association, but you'll want to investigate further to find out for by yourself. Study any sort of official disclosures, and don't use buying a flat that has experienced previous disorders of flooding, campfire, environmental xisting components.The qualities itemized in your offering ought to match what you see during the condo, and not limited the models of appliances as well as quality connected with any features that include flooring or surfaces.
If the condo happens to be an older a particular, then learn the minutes of the condo relationship meetings to see mentions connected with repairs or service calls into the property.Repeated repairs are sometimes red a flag, or it may well simply tell us a sensitive and in charge association, but you'll want to investigate further to find out for by yourself.
Study any sort of official disclosures, and don't use buying a flat that has experienced previous disorders of flooding, campfire, environmental hazards, or other catastrophic occasions.

#5 Implement Some Actuality Checking of your Own

To discover kind with quality you can be getting for a money, develop a few phone calls.If typically the builder touts a particular brand connected with insulated windows or wood flooring planks, for example of this, call the local distributors and then determine how a lot they offer those special items for, and therefore tally up how much youre having to pay versus what amount of the builder is giving.

You might observe that so-called top-of-the-line products used in the construction within the condo have become cheap plus inferior.Or important work pleasantly surprised to discover that you are getting wonderful materials for any discounted price because any builder has more shopping for power than one does and negotiated a lot for your current benefit.

Before investing in any your home, you will most likely always hire an authorized and experienced inspector to provide a full professional record on the healthiness of the home.But has a tendency to tips you will save time whenever you do your current preliminary browsing to narrow down ones own condo choice.

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03.03.2014 09:58:01   Re |>>

Neveriiim PhiPhi, toz enjoy, toto bude narocnejsie ako ten vystup :)


02.03.2014 10:39:22   Re |>>

Yo reporty uz pisem offline…tieto som pisal po ceste, ale net tam hore nebol, takze su oneskorene. Mobilny signal bol len velmi obmedzene…ale vsetko je to len otazka casu kym to tam dobuduju.

Uspesne sme teda prezili himalajske dobrodruzstvo a teraz sa zotavujeme na teplejsom mieste planety v nulovej (nad)morskej vyske ;-), konecne nemam spalenu len tvar B-), inak rozdiel vyse 50 stupnov hehe :-P.


28.02.2014 10:46:27   Re |>>

haha parada, super pocteniiiicko, tos dufam ze z tychto momentov mate aj dost foto/video dokumentacie :)

vitoooore, toto uz chalani nepisu online, trek uz maju cely za sebou. uz ich caka o nic lahsia uloha zdolavat nastrahy barov a ine sicknesses :)


28.02.2014 06:53:59   Re |>>

Respect bratms! Hlcem každé jedno vaše slovo, trackujem na google earth… Píšte ďalej, kým vás AMS definitívne neskolí! :D A tam akože je nejaký internet v tých ubytkách? Nevieš, aká technológia? Ozaj, akurát ti idem zaplatiť na tento rok. :)

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